Questions which really bothered to me on wednesday morning….!!!
The eternal questions which even makes Himalayan Tapasvis and yogis to stay absent from worldly Maya to ponder over ones true identity practicing ardent Sadhanas for 1000 or more years…confuses also to this MBA spoiled guy sometimes…Why we are we here for…What is the meaning of all this creations around us…Is everything real or just deceptive illusions...Who knows…Hey wait…by the way...I am not at all going to the woods and the forests to pursue the answer of these questions…May be in next birth…!
Well…some human beings run after pleasures and enjoyment…Some stands high on the pile of money…some seek respects and values…some even live and die with religious ethos…I think these are really confusing rhetoric to solve the complex web of ultimate meaning of simple reason. And these questions can only be answered by that spirit which dwelt in such a flesh of the body which has burnt itself in the mighty flames of worldly sufferings for countless seasons. If such a spirit is asked these questions on his deathbed which is waiting for his departure, would surely answer in one line I think……
” I think I am happy that I am leaving the name behind as a person who never backed down and weathered every storm upsetting the minds of ‘fair weather Happy Sights’ for my situational plights and giving smiles to the noble ones who stood by me and believed in me.”
Well I think, it’s more suitable answer for worldly man to live such a life of 60 to 80 years than going to Himalayas….Don’t you think so…
Hey get going guys…just chill ok…life is short so go to bed with smiles at night…What do you say…and don’t confuse yourself with my above scribbling of “What is life” essay…well its just my first posting on my blog and nothing was coming to my mind so I thought let me start with something like this…By the way Have a good time!
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