Guys…it’s been a too long since I made footprints in this blog arenas. Thoughtful fireworks was necessity for me as this is something I am very much passionate for…no one would be of much interested to know what vishw was doing in lost moments…except HIMSELF…!!! But yea going is cool…an its not an attempt to scribble my autobiography here as I am not a kind of marvel like sachin tendulkar, chetan bhagat, saina nehwal, amitabh bachchan or kalam stuff…!!! Just an ordinary man passionate for putting thoughts…!!! so let me make an attempt to put up something here…even I don’t know what stuff is going to come out…but lets see…!!!
Hmmm…still thinking…..
Ok got it….
Dependency…? Let’s go for it…!!!
What makes someone dependent? What makes someone swinging in between exhausting indecisions? What makes someone vulnerable by others? What….? Endless confusing scenarios….!!!
Repetitive stuffs like Confidence…attitude…emotional quotient…innocence…appear to be the key feedbacks…but beneath this upper view what lay beneath is variant to different personas and variant pasts…!!! But lets not get into detailed analysis…let’s talk about the keys for independency…!!! I think that’s more right approach…looking always brighter side…treating glass always half full…such not so rare optimistic approaches…!!! Yeap may be this approaches not new or iconoclast…but they don’t need to be…as eternal truths never need any justification…!!!
“ I don’t care as let them speak what they want…I know what to do…no one can take away my own choice and no one has the power to influence me…! ” that’s the kind of wall cemented with attitude and confidence makes certain personalities invulnerable and independent. What’s the reason for this dignifying state of consciousness within various two out of ten personalities…!!! An obvious answer from my limited maturity and introspection pours out it as the choices based on the principles…! Simple one liner solution with near perfection in my own periphery of maturity and introspection and limited to my own life…and not for distribution unless someone willing for and without indulgence of any mind boggling debate…!!!
Principles need to be cultivated in daily routine which works as a yardstick against certain confusing scenarios which makes someone independent of remaining indecisiveness and sure way to head on…! And out of this independency flourishes the self confidences which enables you to the make the right choices and right decisions…which in turn creates the golden wall of scintillating attitude which paints your personality with flying colors of magnetic charm and graceful in spite of absence of external splendiferous…!!!
Hope this session has gone well and easy to gulp down without any blocking bone…!!!
Ok folks...will continue to pour down…and I am also willing for even though out of extreme busyness…and yea that’s what my choice is based on my principles…!!! So have choices, have principles and be independent ;-))
leave choice, leave principle, just be witness of your mind, and then when question will fall, you will be independent, truly,
when you choose, you are bound with that thing, be it material, be it immaterial, choice and independence can't go hand in offense, but dear i disagree with your this whole concept it self....
i welcome ur may b u hvnt got d true point...dont take dis as my offence bt..let me make clarification on dis...d script is abt one makes choices based on own yardstik widout any external path diversing opinion or guidance.nw run ur horses of thoughts in dis direction...! Thought for a second on it.n dear bring it on agreement or disagreement.i wud surely welcome ur opinions.
well that's my moral responsibility to accept that may be i didn't get your point, or may be we were not talking on same ground....but, my believes are certainly that person can be choice less, principle less, vulnerable, fragile and yet independent, strong-head i found your logical approach to connect cause and effect wrong, which certainly was not your
ok then let me raise one guy has got principles n lives life on own choices.he is als a man wid strong had...hope u wud believe into dat.
Other one - choiceless principleless still stong head !
Both are strong !
There is very thin line between stubbornness n strongness.strongness based on principles n choices wud itself justify strongness...while d same strongness bankrupt wid choices,principles,bt still fragile, vulnerable is stubbornness ! N when i talk abt freedom n independence....its something which flourishes from within...! So ur right in ur views may be dat person can b independent even though being fragile vulnerable n still strong...freedom based on ignorance ! Bt I m talking about freedom based on awareness n in addition to dat freedom based on principles n choices !!!
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