Sunday, June 26, 2011

When Friends Mistreat Us

When we give someone our sincere affection and they hurt us, what should our attitude be?

For myself, I must tell you that I feel deep kindness for those who have harshly criticized me, or even declared themselves my enemies. What sort of friendship would it be that couldn’t ride the waves of a friend’s behavior, or that was withdrawn when others treated one wrongly?

Don’t all of us make mistakes from time to time? Indeed, if we can’t love our friends in spite of their mistakes, I really don’t see how we can expect to have any friends at all! And if we can’t put up with imperfections in our friends, by what right do we expect them to value us, imperfect as we are?

Our friends are bound to disappoint us sometime or other. At such times, I think the best attitude is to see beyond the moment, and recognize that they may, in fact, be basically good people.

Jealousy and pride are normal human weaknesses. Truly, I feel more kindness for people after they hurt me than before, if only because they need it more when they are in error than when they are going along well. They may treat me as they please; that is their business, not mine. But my business is to continue to be a true friend. They can’t affect my feeling for them, or my loving wish for their highest good.

And if their criticisms, invalid as they may be, should turn a few people against me, why, I would consider that only good fun! The divine drama would get a little boring, don’t you think, without a little comedy? For what do people’s opinions matter, whether good or bad? I’m not seeking God to please them!

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